
SpellRead - Proven intervention for your most struggling readers

Foundations for Learning is the only learning center in Europe that is licensed to offer this reading support program from North America.

Designed for struggling readers in grades 2 – 12 (age 7 – 18), including students two or more years behind in reading, special needs students and English language learners, SpellRead makes a difference and helps students to become confident readers.

The Problem: A Broken Foundation

If the phonological coding system isn’t mastered to a level where it is automatic, then there is no strong foundation for reading in all content areas. Students become overwhelmed and fall further and further behind. SpellRead can end this cycle.

The Solution

SpellRead’s research-based, multisensory approach bridges a student’s sound system and oral language to build automaticity and trains the brain to process language efficiently as it is read, to facilitate understanding. SpellRead builds the skills students need to improve overall comprehension, so that they can move on to more complex texts in all content areas.

By the end of the program, students are able to decode any grade level text automatically and can focus their energy on getting meaning from the text.

Specifically, students can:

Foundations for Learning offers the SpellRead program to individual students or small groups. For more information, please contact us.


Course outline

Foundations for Learning is looking for qualified teachers who would be interested in training to become SpellRead instructors for the Foundation. Please contact Sylvia Leck.


Girl with apples