Speech and Language Support for 5-11 Years old
Communication is a crucial skill for participating in school and community life. Studies have estimated that 1 in every 15* children will experience a diagnosable language difficulty that will impact their academic potential and wellbeing. In a class of 30, that’s 2 children.
Elklan is a UK-based organisation offering accredited training courses to improve your ability to communicate with your students, and to help you develop their ability to communicate with you.
Foundations For Learning is running ‘Speech and Language Support for 5-11s’ in Zürich this year. This is a course combining theory and practice for teachers, teaching assistants and support staff, to develop their skills to support students with their language, particularly those with language difficulties. This is especially useful when working with students with Autism, Speech Sound Disorders, Developmental Language Disorder, Literacy Difficulties, Dyspraxia, Global Developmental Delay, etc.
The course will be run by UK & Australia registered Speech-Language Therapist Belinda Mahendran. Accreditation is received upon course completion.
Come along to our free information session to find out more:
Saturday 24 August, 9:30 – 10:30am
Hull’s School (English College) Falkenstrasse 28A, 8008 Zürich (Near Zürich Stadelhofen)
Please email belinda.mahendran@foundationsforlearning.ch to register.
Hourly Schedule
Sat 14 September 2019
- What is communication?
- Improving Listening, Attention and Independent Learning Skills Sat 5 October: Sat 2 November: Listening, Memory and Understanding Spoken Language.
sat 5 October 2019
- Modifying adult's speech
- Modifying Adult’s Speech to Help a Child Understand Language Understanding Beyond Simple Sentences Promoting Vocabulary Development
Sat 2 November 2019
- Encouraging expressive language
- Encouraging Expressive Language and Narrative Development Promoting Effective Communication and Social Skills
Sat 30 November 2019
- Support
- Supporting Children with Unclear Speech, and Exploring Literacy Management of Stuttering, and Final Project