Frequently Asked Questions

How do I make an appointment?

Please call Sylvia Leck in the first instance. Her telephone number is +41 (0)78 912 61 55. Alternatively send an email via the contact page.

What happens in the initial consultation?

The intake interview with the student and parent(s) takes about 60 minutes. We review school reports and any other relevant materials that you bring and discuss your concerns and observations.

What is the purpose of a psychological assessment?

The psychological assessment helps us to understand a child's learning profile, and we need this information in order to design an effective plan to develop the child's unique learning potential. Assessments tailored to the child's age, educational background and taking account of any previous reports provide this valuable information. They highlight areas of strength and of difficulty and may suggest the need for more in-depth information in a specific area.

What assessments do you use?

Following the intake interview, we typically recommend one of two assessments. These are:
school based assessment for children who seem to be struggling with some aspects of their social, academic or emotional life at school and when it appears that the child's learning profile doesn't match the demands of the school environment and the curriculum; or
broad spectrum diagnostic assessment for children who show signs of having an underlying learning difficulty in specific aspects of their learning and whose academic achievements in different areas are unusually uneven.

What does a school based assessment entail?

This assessment observes the child from a variety of perspectives. Information is gathered in 60-minute interviews with the child, parents and teachers using the "All Kinds of Minds" interview protocols and questionnaires. A learning support specialist also conducts an analysis of work samples and completes two classroom observations in different settings. A learning profile is compiled, followed by a management plan, and both are discussed with the child, parents and teachers.

What would a broad-spectrum diagnostic assessment entail?

This assessment uses standard psychometric tests that give a quantitative profile of a child?s cognitive functioning. A clinical or educational psychologist conducts cognitive assessments and a learning support specialist tests academic achievement. We also carry out classroom observations and gather information from teachers, the parents, and the student. We summarise the findings and our detailed recommendations in a single, comprehensive report.

How long does an assessment usually take?

Assessments usually take 3 weeks to a month to complete.

Do schools accept your evaluation reports to determine eligibility for education support services?

Yes. The methods we use are well known and respected by schools and they find our reports and recommendations very useful in helping their students to achieve their potential.

How do you work with a child's school?

Typically we liaise with the education support department at the school to arrange in-school observation and discussions with teachers, to discuss assessment reports (with your approval) and to pass on our recommendations for teachers, adjustments to the child's curriculum etc.
If the child's school doesn't have a dedicated education support department, the school principal determines our points of contact.

How long will implementation, therapy, etc. take?

This is an impossible question to answer in general terms, but we will discuss this with you after the assessment stage.

How many tutoring sessions will be needed?

We can estimate how many sessions will be needed when the student has met the Foundations for Learning tutor and discussed the curriculum and the problem areas, or when we have completed an assessment to identify areas of weakness.

How much does Foundations for Learning charge?

We will give you an itemised estimate of anticipated costs following the intake interview, which is free of charge.

Will my Krankenkasse (health insurance) pay?

It is worth clarifying the situation with your insurance provider, although very few cover the costs of assessments or therapies. Your Gemeinde (local community) in Switzerland may offer financial assistance if they take the view that a child/student is entitled to education support that they are unable to provide.

What if I can't afford the fees?

Foundations for Learning is a non-profit organisation and our income is used partly for sponsorship of students who can?t afford special education. Please ask Sylvia Leck for more information.

What about confidentiality?

Foundations for Learning staff and all our associate practitioners, teachers and therapists are bound by professional standards of confidentiality. We will not divulge any details about your child, the results of assessments, treatments or outcomes with any third parties without your approval.


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